What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

You Know this is the Second Child When...

So Zoe has a very active g.i. track.  One might even say she’s a prolific pooper. 

Last week when we were at the doctor, we had wrapped up our visit and Kelly was nursing Zoe before we left.  Zoe was just in her diaper because we had weighed her towards the end of our visit with the doctor.  While Kelly was nursing her, Zoe had a diaper event, one might even say explosion, resulting in the overflow of said diaper and staining Kelly’s pants.  With our first child Davis, this would have been cause for angst and consternation and immediate return home to correct the wardrobe malfunction. 

However, with Davis safely in the loving watch-care of Kelly’s mom, as we were cleaning up the mess Kelly looks at me with bright eyes and says, “Let’s go get smoothies!”  Which we promptly did—me, my wife, my sleeping 6-day old, and some slightly stained pants.  When we got home, Davis was awake and we had a great afternoon together with Nanny. 

Kelly forgot to change until 8:00 that night.

1 comment:

Marshall said...

Preach it, brother. I welcome you to the world of two. Perhaps poop is the new black.