What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Two Plugs: One Painful, One Shameless

I’ve got two things to plug in today’s post:


First, allow me to plug the wonders of using your local birthing center for those of you out there who are considering having a baby at any point in your life.  Let me give the downsides up front: there is no pain medication allowed.  No drugs, that’s the deal.  They’re all about working with the woman’s body to help it do it all-natural.  It’s a little fruity-granola that way.


But here’s the up-side.  We leave our house Friday at 11:15 a.m, with Kelly in some pretty serious labor (we should have left earlier).  We get there at 11:30, she pushes from the moment we get to the birthing center until 1:14 when Zoe’s born.  They leave us alone for a couple hours to just be a family and enjoy our little girl together.  Then they come in, do some height/weight/hearing tests, etc. and we’re back in the car at 7:30 and home for a late dinner with the family that’s gathered.  If you go to the hospital, you’re stuck there for two days with nurses and doctors waking you up every couple hours, sleeping in a mediocre bed and eating bad food.  If you’ve got family around to help out and if the ladies out there can deal with the pain, the birthing center is the way to go.


My second plug is the shameless one.  I responded to a comment two weeks ago regarding my very  hypothetical book that I finished up just before Christmas called Starting Well: Lifelong Leadership for Beginning Leaders.  I’m still shopping the book around to several publishing companies but in the mean time I submitted three chapters to ChristianityToday.com for publication on their site.  All three chapters were accepted.  I decided to only have them run one of them because a prospective publisher doesn’t want the whole book on the internet for free if they’re going to invest money in publishing the thing!


Anyway, it’s been edited and I found out last week that it’ll be published on February 16th under the “Building Church Leaders” sub-site of ChristianityToday.com.  It’s encouraging to have someone outside the InterVarsity circle find the stuff that I wrote helpful and encouraging.  I’ll post the link on the blog when it goes up.        


Macon said...

Man, you guys need to move to Austin, you're so granola.


This comment has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with anybody's desire to have you closer or anything like that. It's just a pure, objective observation & gripping conclusion. (Or, rather, it's a gripping conclusion, followed by a pure, objective observation.)

Ok, if you're going to be picky about it:
Observation: You're so granola.
Hidden Stipulation: Austin is the best place for people who are "so granola".
Gripping Conclusion: You guys need to move to Ausin.

Unknown said...

Can't wait to check out your stuff on ct.com. Congrats! It's about time someone realized what an influential genius you are. I mean aren't you, Ghandi, and MLK Jr basically the same person?? In all seriousness, I'm really happy -- what the heck took them so long -- to know that your stuff was loved by those outside the Blue Ridge.

And I'll have to consider the birthing center. You know, in many, many years when I'm ready to consider that kind of thing. We can all agree giving birth to a child before marriage isn't conducive to my employment ;-)

Macon said...

I was kind of thinking it was more Geek than Granola. But I'm open to suggestions.

Alex said...

thanks for the love, todd, and welcome to the blog! you helped to edit the chapter that'll be run on ct.com.

and i'll be talkin' to you if i need some conflict-enjoying individuals to watch my back.+