What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Friday, October 17, 2008

State Fair Report

Yesterday afternoon we took our long-awaited trip to the State Fair. A couple of observations:

*As if I needed any more reasons to be annoyed by NC State football, there was a Thursday night game last night against Florida State. The Fair Grounds and the NCSU football stadium are roughly 200 yards apart. Ergo, it took us an hour to get to the fair.

*If the State Fair is any indication, North Carolina's definitely going McCain's way. McCain's folks had the place covered--buttons, pins, dirigibles...okay, no dirigibles, but lots of McCain-Palin stickers and buttons. But then again, I do spend most of my days in Chapel Hill, which is slightly to the left of Stalin, so my perspective might be a bit skewed. To see anyone supporting McCain is a bit of a shock to my system.

*Our night was filled with kids riding great rides (floating bumper cars?!? what'll they think of next?) and seeing what there is to see. The sheep were a big hit, as were the baby pigs fighting to nurse on the mama pig--Davis is sitting here, he's saying that was his favorite.

*We packed it up and headed back home around 8:30. It's funny how it felt like it was midnight, I think that once you have kids long enough you see everything through their eyes.

*If we headed home an hour after bed time, you can imagine how much later past bed time it was for the kiddos. Could be a long day managing the little ones for my wife who's bearing that burden today!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dude, fairs bring out James Jolley cow farmer peeps from State. They like the fair. And most of them aren't James Jolley. I just found out that despite some complications (due to my mom's move across town/30 day residency requirements, etc), I WILL get to vote absentee in NC... So it is DEFINITELY turning blue, yo.

Chapel Hill is left of California. I miss it.