What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Guest Ranter: Middle East Crisis Meets the Hummer

My co-worker Jen Hagin e-mailed this little rant to several of us as she was watching too much cable news a week or so ago. She and her vegeterian-eating self (which is an important bit of background info to help understand the rant) gave me permission to use it and I thought in light of yesterday's post this was fitting. Enjoy!

Here is my rant for the week. It's almost everything y'all pick on me about
in one.

I admit I have been watching too much CNN lately. I have always had a heart for the Middle East conflict, so I often check in to see the latest update. So there I am, already sad and irritated when a Hummer commercial comes on. Maybe it's displaced anger, but I managed to go from prayerfully desiring an end to conflict to wanting to throttle a corporate executive way faster than a Hummer can maneuver out of an average size parking space.

It's a man at a grocery store buying Tofu and soy looking a little sad. He watches as the man behind him loads the conveyor belt with lots of meat. The man gets inspired and leaves to go buy a Hummer and the final scene has him driving with a big smile with the phrase "TAKE BACK YOUR MANHOOD" plastered on the screen. Now I hit a whole new level of irritation that we define manhood by overpriced and environment destroying vehicles.

Well, that wasn't enough for the Hummer advertising man. Then the next day I started to feel like I was being personally targeted when I saw a commercial of a woman at a playground with her son. Another woman and her son cut in front of them at the line for the slide. The woman gets mad and goes out and, you guessed it, buys a Hummer. By her smiling face at the end appears the words "GET YOUR GIRL ON." We're talking about a grown woman with a child, and the sentence doesn't even make sense. Besides, could we be any more stereotypical?

I'm going to turn off the TV now.

1 comment:

Macon said...

I'm going to turn off the TV now.

an excellent conclusion!