What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Friday Grab-Bag

*Anyone watch last night's finale of America's Got Talent? Kelly and I watched part of it. If they had given away a dollar for every awkward moment on that show, it would have been much more than a million dollar grand prize.

*Some good movies in the past week--I mentioned earlier Memoirs of a Geisha, we also watched Inside Man with Denzel Washington and directed by Spike Lee. The bank robbery in the movie is so well designed, it's worth it just to see that.

*Today marks the start of the new year for me--a Leadership Gathering tonight and then freshmen move-in tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. We'd love your prayers for us and especially for incoming students at UNC, that the Lord would meet them in powerful ways during their time in college.

*Historically there's something else that's getting ready to kick off in my life at this time of year apart from getting back into the school-year gear: fantasy football. Alas, this year I had to pause to consider: do I have time to both blog and participate in the sport of hypothetical-o.c.d.-know-it-alls? I thought not. So I fasted and thought long and hard. Two roads diverged in the wood, which path would I take? Would I continue to pour out my heart and soul in trite, pithy messages for the world to see or would I once again languish in the basement of my fantasy football league?

In the end, I came to this conclusion: I'm a better blogger than I am fantasy football player--which is to say, that I can write in complete sentences.

Farewell, fantasy football, maybe next year.

1 comment:

Liz Hundley said...

touchdown for the blog team!