What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Monday, April 28, 2008


Last week I was talking with a friend of mine who works in cube world. It was the last day of classes. The last day of classes is a tremendous mile stone, an end point, a place to step back and evaluate, consider, reflect, celebrate, rest.

Cube world doesn't have many of those places.

I'm glad for my friends who do good work in cube world. But there are many reasons why I'm glad I don't spend my days there. Having a natural end point, something marks the end of this leg of the journey, is one of those.

I don't have summers "off" but I do have summers "different." Part of the work of the summer is to do the reflection and evaluation that I don't have time to do on the fly. It's good and important work that I enjoy when I've got (or have made) the time to do it.

I'll get there soon. In the mean time, a big part of my job is praying for students as they wrap up the year with exams. Ah, the joys of exams! But that's another post for another day...

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