What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Acting on AIDS

This week on campus we've done a really cool AIDS awareness event through World Vision's "See Orange" campaign. The way it works is that you order a bunch of bright orange shirts that say "Orphan" on them and the goal is to have 20% of the campus wearing them to point to the fact that 1 in 20 kids is orphaned by AIDS each year in sub-Saharan Africa.

This is our first time doing it and we learned some good lessons, but it was pretty cool to see not just IV students but others on campus walking around with the shirts. A great example of what it means that we can partner with all kinds of students to be a part of Kingdom purposes.

If you're a college student on campus or involved with campus ministry (and you know who you are) then I'd encourage you to check out their web sites: acting on AIDS and World Vision home.

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