What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Two Ebenezers

Throughout the OT God's people built memorials, "Ebenezers," at critical points in their history to remember God's faithfulness. Times of testing, trials, or success-generated apathy were bound to set in and they needed to cultivate spiritual memory in order to combat those times faithfully.

Here are a couple Ebenezers for me this week:

1. Davis started swim lessons this week. In the grand scheme of things, not a big deal: just five days, 6:30-7:00 each day. But six years from now when my life chiefly consists of running our three children to and fro soccer/field hockey/macrame/equestrian/ballet/violin/tuba/chess club/future ______ of America/young flat-earth-society/ping-pong practices, I want to remember that it all started in July, 2007.

2. My fiscal year with InterVarsity wrapped up this week. One of the challenges and stresses of this past year has been that for the first time my fundraising has not come in as it has in the past. And so I approached June with much prayer and much dread.

Incredibly, the Lord answered my weak, generally faithless prayers through generous individuals and church communities. I raised over $14,000 in June. My previous biggest month this year was just over $5,000. It's an indicator of how much behind I was that this helped me to finish this year well but didn't necessarily solve all of my funding issues. However, that $14,000 is God saying to me: "I know. I love you. I've got you where I want you. Relax."

That's worthy of an Ebenezer.

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