What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Celebrate Good Times, Come On

Last night went great! I was extremely thankful for and proud of my student leaders who invested in people, invited new students out, planned the large group meeting, led the worship time, welcomed new people with joy and energy, etc. etc.

One of the best parts about my job is that every year I get to watch new students step up and take leadership and ownership of the chapter. Many of them are in over their proverbial heads, but I watch them take small steps of faith and watch how God takes that and honors it and blesses it in his grace and mercy. They are becoming men and women who serve and love and lead and sacrifice and care for others. They are becoming who they really are.

And my talk that I agonized over for two days went well. I felt the joy of doing something that God has made me to do. A film clip that IV staff have used for decades now is from Chariots of Fire, when one of the characters is defending his desire to compete in the Olympics to his very pious sister who is concerned that his priorities are out of whack: "When I run, I feel God's pleasure." I feel that way when I speak, especially when I know that the process to get there has been good.

So we're headed into Labor Day with good momentum on campus. Every year Kelly has a Labor Day reunion with the 9 women she lived with/were good friends with her senior year. Now the husbands and kids come along, and it's a great time to re-connect with each other and celebrate and pray for each other. I'd like to personally thank Ernesto for passing through quickly so that we can hit the beach!

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