What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Friday, June 30, 2006

You Know God's Worked In Your Professor When...

So the first evening of our class our professor wrote this on the dry erase board:

"The beautiful game...and Conversion [and Transformation, the name of our class]"

It turns out that today's Argentina-Germany World Cup soccer game started at 10:00 Central Time...right in the middle of our morning lecture. Being a good Canadian (he teaches at Regent Seminary in Vancouver, Canada, where I'm technically enrolled as a student) he felt a deep need to share the moment with the world.

So, much to my the chagrin of my friends in other classes, we've built our schedule today and tomorrow around all four World Cup games. Today about eight of us caught all 120 minutes of the Germany-Argentina overtime game plus the penalty kicks that won it for the home Germans as the fans cheered and sang.

That's a professor who has his priorities in order.

1 comment:

TheDudeAbides said...

ok seriously, this is the most awesome sminary professor i have ever heard of in my life!! Beautiful, so beautiful! hope you all enjoyed the games