What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Monday, February 20, 2006

One Last Rest-Full Thought

I was thinking more about rest this weekend as we had family in town (thanks, Mom and Perry!) who gave Kelly and me some much-needed rest and recovery as we hit the six-week wall with Zoe.

I think that the Lord, in his severe mercy, is really good to bring us to places where we just have to rest. I've often thought that my mid-winter cold that I seem to get every year around this time has less to do with germs and more to do with the safeguarding of my soul.

Coming into this semester, we charted a course towards becoming a more missional community with strong emphasis on evangelism for our speakers at our large group meetings. I wanted to speak at least once during the first few weeks to help get us into a groove, but even back in early-December I knew that probably wasn't a good idea. I was eager to at least see what came of our large group emphasis and to help students really apply it to their lives.

Of course, then we had a baby. Zoe had all four-ish weeks of winter break to come, but instead she was born just a couple of days before students came back to town. And I spent much of the first three weeks of the semester working part-time and caring for my family during my paternity leave. And somehow, shockingly, things on campus went phenomenally well without me.

Since I am a control freak, I think that the particulars of how the Lord teaches me to rest might be different from someone who is not quite so controlling. But in my own life, I'm very thankful for the Lord's severe mercy to remind me that it's not all about me. At first it's an affront, but as I let it sink it, it's actually quite wonderful.

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