What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

On A More Serious Note...

My post from Tuesday, "Continuity and Discontinuity," got a nice response from Royale that he had a hard time posting so he e-mailed it to me. I copied and pasted it for him in the comments. My response to him below that is my last post for the week.

A couple things to wrap-up the week:

*My local cheesy all-Christmas radio station is Sunny 93.9, not Lite 98--that was my old cheesy Christmas station in Richmond!

*Went back to the doctor today to get the x-ray on my wrist--turns out it was broken worse than we initially thought. The first x-ray looked like a pretty sissy break, this x-ray showed that there was definitely a hairline-crack across the whole bone. It's healing, but it's still not 100%. More of this splint for me, at least through the holidays. He said that if the x-ray had showed this degree of a break, he would have given me a cool, sign-here cast for sure...sigh....

Have a great weekend!

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