What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Thursday, March 05, 2009


So right about now I was supposed to be on an airplane with my wife (and without my kids) on our way to San Diego for a belated 10th anniversary get-away.

But last week a number of factors began to make us re-think our plans, not the least of which was the weather here in North Carolina is supposed to be 70's and beautiful and the weather in San Diego is supposed to be low-60's and rainy.

It never rains in San Diego--they're getting their entire year's worth of rain in the handful of days we were supposed to be there.

So upon further review, we're doing "staycation" (credit our good friend Wesley Wilcox for the word). We just dropped the kids off at Nanny and Grampy's. We're chillin' out for the next several days.

Talk to you when we get back.


Burly said...

We had our honeymoon in San Diego ... and it was great, but unseasonably cold! Go figure. We had to go the first morning we were there to the Gap for Naomi to get a pair of pants!

Chef, Interrupted said...

Heh heh. We're not mourning since SF might displace SD as your vaca destination! :)