What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Speaking of wonderful kids, here's Zoe's 8 month picture. Here's my wife Kelly's description of her at this stage: Sweet Zoe is 8 months today! Her physical growth seems to have plateaued considerably, a relief to those of us who were worried about middle school for her :) Meanwhile, she is changing in all sorts of ways: 2 top teeth have just emerged, she's eating table food (refusing all purees, actually), she's "talking" lots, pulling up some. She continues to love her big brother. She is all but crawling, going from sitting to crawling position, scooting just a tad, rotating back to sitting, etc... so she's able to get to a lot of what she wants. Oh, is it going to get nutty around here when she can fully get into Davis's beloved trains.


Burly said...

how 'bout pics of Davis?

Macon said...

Davis who?