What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Heeding the Words of my Wife

Over the weekend I made a passing comment to my wife and another regular Piebald Life/Facebook Note reader that I'd gotten fewer comments recently.

Their rather direct and honest answer: because I was posting from talks I was giving rather than more personal reflections.

So, acting on this information, here's something that's been rolling around in my head from last week.

I was meeting with an older, wiser man over lunch last week and he was encouraging me to do some life and career inventory. He encouraged me to ask a couple of 'hook' questions, among them the very basic question: "who am I?" That one was harder to answer on the spot than I thought it would be.

But the thing that has stuck with me was his encouragement to ask my wife Kelly to answer these questions along with me.

"Get her to write down her answers," he said, "most guys in their first ten to fifteen years of marriage haven't figured out how to listen to their wives yet."

Ouch. Intuitively, I knew that to be true. Both in my own personal experience and in knowing some of my friends marriages, us guys have a hard time really hearing our wives.

"Now granted," he continued, "some of that is because their wives haven't found their voices yet."

Also true. And it makes me wonder about the inter-relationship between us husbands learning to listen, to encourage, to "call forth" our wives voices.

Of course, there's exceptions to everything. Plenty of you wives have plenty of voice, thank you very much. And some men that I know do an excellent job genuinely hearing their wives.

But for many of us, there's a growth curve here in our marriages. I wonder how much is lost in terms of quality of relating and healthy processes due to all these misses...in my own marriage over the past eleven years and in the marriages of folks around me.

But hey, I changed my post for today! Look at me! I'm listening!


Bonnie said...

Great post Alex. What was your answer to the question "who am I" ? Did Kelly answer the question the same way as you ? I'm intrigued, and wondering what the other questions are ...

PS ... I know I owe you an email response. I just haven't known how to write it. I hate being the bearer of bad news. Will you forgive me for not responding ?!?!?! It's my reason for not commenting here in a while !!! Hanging head in shame ... :)

Elizabeth Johnson Phillips said...

I have found that actually listening to my spouse interferes with my ability to manipulate him. Which is probably why I should be listening in the first place...

Alex said...

hi all,

bonnie, i sort of floundered around a bit...i still haven't totally answered the question--kind of like you, i'm might be avoiding the question on the table! but consider this comment your response in place of the email you need to send me, and let's move on!

elizabeth, you mean to say that you manipulate/attempt to manipulate your spouse? i'm shocked and appalled. i'd never do such a thing, or even attempt to.

i'm not a very good liar.

Grayson J. said...

I'm more likely to leave a comment when I disagree with something, so take the lack of comments as a sign of approval!