What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Davis' Formula for Being Happy

My wife Kelly posted this on her mommy blog. We are grateful for the sweet and thoughtful spirit of our son, Davis, and this little story captures his earnest enthusiasm. I'm a proud daddy. I love this little boy:

As we pass the empty lot, my five year old asks me what the big, complicated sign says. "That lot is for sale," I answer. "Someone can buy it and build a store or a house in that space."

"Maybe the homeless people could buy it!" he suggests.

"Well, perhaps..." I begin to answer, not sure where to go with this conversation.

"Yes," he adds, growing more excited about his unfolding plans. "And then they could build a house and get married and have children and be happy."


Unknown said...

That is pretty awesome. I can't wait for my kids to try to find lots for homeless people. ;o)

Jennifer said...

He should hang out with the Prophets Jeremiah, Micah and Amos. They'd make a good team.