What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Family Vision (Draft)

Over the past several months I've been thinking about working with my wife Kelly to craft a family vision. This hopefully would help us to steer our way through the many choices we'll have to make regarding our kids and our family life.

Here's my first crack at forming that vision:

Vision: To be a “YES!” Family!
To live as a family in the power and wonder of God’s “yes” to us in Christ.
To echo and amen that “yes” to one another
To echo that “yes” to anyone that we might come in contact with

Scripture: For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “yes” in Christ. And so through Him the “amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God. 2 Cor. 1:20

We say “YES & AMEN” to God’s invitation to know Him.
-Praying together at meals and at bedtime
-Regular Scripture reading with kids/as a family
-Going to church together as a family

We say “YES & AMEN” to Godly authorities that exist to bless us
-Mommy and Daddy submit to God, one another, and to the church authority and community that God has put in our lives.
-Davis, Zoe, and Emma Kate submit to God, Mommy and Daddy, to teachers and others in authority over them.
-Freedom to ask questions in a respectful way

We say “YES & AMEN” to laughter, joy, authentic relationships, character and wisdom
-We will laugh a lot!
-We will follow the commands of Scripture as the rules of our house.
-We will eat dinners together at least three times per week
-We will apologize when we wrong one another. We will keep short accounts and not hold grudges
-We will identify and encourage the different strengths and abilities that each one of us uniquely has.

We say “YES & AMEN” to loving and respecting one another
-Gentle hands, gentle tone and respectful words

We say “YES & AMEN” to a strong marriage as the centerpiece of a healthy family
-We will turn towards and not away from each other for as long as we both shall live
-Bi-weekly date nights
-Regular marriage conferences for tune-ups.
-Mama gets regular opportunities for personal space and renewal in whatever age and stage appropriate ways that we can afford!

We say “YES & AMEN” to the invitation to be a part of God’s mission in the world.
-We participate in all of our activities as agents of God’s “yes” to the world.
-We look for opportunities to serve and to bless our neighbors
-We practice hospitality in loving and welcoming in guests.


Bonnie said...

That is really neat Alex. Thanks for sharing. :) Bon

TwoSquareMeals said...

Oh, I love this idea! I would love to talk to y'all about it some more. Maybe the hubby and I can sit down and work one out for our family.

Rachel said...

i should have known twosquare would love this one too! this is a great idea al. thx for sharing w/the rest of us. great fodder for me and my hub as well.