What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Sportscenter Highlights of "Conversion and Transformation"

One of the things I really appreciate about IV is that when we bring in professors to teach they're really good. This past week was no exception. Here are a few random highlights from the lectures:

*The difference between vocation and occupation: "Vocation is the work God has given you to make a difference for the good in a broken and fallen world. Occupation is what you do to pay the bills. Your vocation and occupation may or may not be the same thing. In fact, for many it is only after they retire from their occupation that they are then freed up to fully exercise their vocation."

*The equal and opposite errors of individualism and communalism : "In the West there is an unrelentlingly individualistic culture that robs us of the joy of true community where we submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. In the East, there is an oppressive communalism that robs us of the joy of being image-bearers. Neither one is true to life in Christ. We must live as distinc individuals in radical community."

*On girls to women and boys to men: "In our culture we have twelve year old girls being forced to be twenty-five-year-old women due in large part to the pop-culture messages sent by the Brittany Spears of the world. On the other side, we have twenty-five-year-old men who continue to behave as fourteen-year-old boys--so much so that sociologists have invented a new category for people who act like teens beyond their teen years: post-adolescents. We need to neither rush our children into adulthood nor have them linger overly-long in any one place. A six-month-old has a certain beauty that turns into grave concern if it still behaves as a six-month-old at age two. The same is true at all stages of development."

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