What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Piebald Life Understudy

At the end of every school year, InterVarsity in our Region (VA, NC, and SC) hosts a two-week long camp where staff and students from all our schools come for training, relaxation, worship, and fellowship. When I say 'camp' what I really mean is resort: forty person hot-tub, beach volleyball courts, excellent food. We take over a Young Life camp, and Young Life knows how to do camping in style.

Staff come and stay for two weeks, students cycle through for one-week periods based on when their exams wrap up. We've got 307 registered for week one, 375 for week two. This is my fourteenth year going to camp--four as a student, my tenth as a staff--and I still love what God does in people's lives there.

But this is my first year going to camp with a blog to take care of. So, I found a guest-blogger who will be filling in the Piebald Life void in your hearts: Macon Stokes.

Macon is the most regular contributor of snarky comments and wise remarks on Piebald Life. If you've ever checked the comments, you've probably been exposed (for better or worse) to Macon's quick wit and keen intelect. Macon will do a phenomenal job in my absence, my only concern is that you will not want me back upon my return.

I leave with the family on Saturday, so I'll post two more days and then it'll be Macon for a couple weeks. I hope to get some internet access at some point to check-in and say hello.

1 comment:

Macon said...

I do hope you check-in, Alex, so you can know the joy of snarking at Piebald Life.

I, on the other hand, will be dilligently working to keep your readership on veritable tenterhooks while they await your return to regular posting.

I have no idea what I just said.

Which is just a preview of what's to come!