What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Real Final Four

Yesterday I mentioned that pressing through my surface-level angst to deeper questions helps me to see the questions behind the questions that are really the significant ones. It also helps me to see where I'm asking the wrong questions.

I learned the right questions from my seminary professor a couple years ago. These are the questions that God is always the most interested in answering, especially in Scripture but really in all of his works. These questions in this order, the real final four:

1. Who is God?
2. What is God doing (or what has God already done?)
3. Who are we? And the corollary: who am I?
4. What do we/I do?

It strikes me every time I think about these questions that the thing that I most often ask about (what should I do?) is the question that God is least interested in answering. The question I ponder probably the least often (the character, nature, and attributes of the God of the universe) is the one that God is most interested in supplying me answers to.

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