What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Why Piebald?

Piebald generally refers to any animal or flower that has patches of very prominent colors.

In C.S. Lewis’ glorious book Perelandra, the protagonist, Ransom, takes an inter-planetary voyage in a space craft. When he arrives one side of him is sunburned while the other side is still pale. Upon meeting “the Green Lady” who plays the Eve character, she names him “piebald man” because of his coloration. Throughout the book Ransom’s piebald-ness is symbolic of his struggle for control—will he submit to God or will he go his own way? At a climactic point in the book, Ransom is up all night wrestling over this decision. In the end he submits to what he knows to be his work, even though it will most likely cost him his life. The next morning he sees that his piebald coloring is largely faded away.

This is the journey I’m on. In C.S. Lewis’ life, his split was between imagination and intellect. When he became a Christian, he found a place for both sides of him. In my life, the split is between my desire for creative ministry on the one hand and a draw towards the contemplative life on the other. Sometimes these two sides seem to be at war with each other, fighting for supremacy. Thus far, I have avoided any out-loud conversations with myself (at least in public), but I have often felt their tugs in differing directions. As I submit these two passions to the Lord, I’m finding ways for both sides to bless each other. Welcome to my journey, I appreciate you coming along!


Macon said...

Well, it's about time!

Welcome to the blogosphere! I look forward to all the rants and raves you can muster.

Let the snarking begin!

ps: now if we could only get that guy Marshall to blog . . .

Jason Murray said...

yes alex . . . you do have way too much time . . . but i'll read your blog anyways

hope you're doing well with a new little one on the way!

Marshall said...

"that guy marshall" is starting a blog once sabbatting is all said and done; never fear!

Sean Meade said...

welcome to weblogging, AK. i'm watching you...