What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Thursday, January 03, 2008


I'm at an IV staff conference over these next couple of days.  This morning the speaker the speaker challenged all of us that the growth and impact of a leader is capped when humility is not present.
I've spent some time over the past couple of weeks praying and asking God to increase our chapter's evangelistic impact on campus.  I've been specifically praying that he'd help me to grow.  I've been asking for a fresh work of the Holy Spirit to newly empower my speaking and my ministry to see new people come to faith in Christ.

I think that in this morning's gentle "humility beat-down" I might have gotten at least a starting place for that growth. 
Funny how often I ask for things and don't really expect to get them.  Or I ask for things and expect them to come through a waving of a magic wand.  Instead, the path of blessing leads me to repentance, confession, self-abandonment.  I have work to do.  It is a good work.  Transformation and change come not through magic but through the power of the Holy Spirit as I submit to Him.  But there is something required of me to walk in the way of life: not more skill-development but more brokenness. 
This, of course, is how I got started on this whole path of life in Christ.  Why would I think blessing could come any other way? 

1 comment:

Macon said...

a gentle beat-down eh? :-)