What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Trinity and Obesity and Western Culture

Last week there was a significant amount of press coverage devoted to some findings by researchers that people who hung around overweight people had a higher likelihood of being overweight themselves.

This speaks to the reality of the Trinity and the essential problem with Western Culture.

The Trinity, as I discussed last week, is the essential reality underneath our experience that all of life is relational. Everything that is, exists by virtue of a specific set of relationships: cells, brains, chairs, cell phones, the game of chess. Everything that exists exists by virtue of a specific, clear set of relationships that makes it what it is.

Including what I call "me." I'd like to think of myself as a self-made person. But that's a big, fat, humongous lie. It's the lie that Western Culture is built on that unfortunately also pervades Western Christian thought.. Rugged individualism is a foundational crack in our understanding of ourselves as a culture. We are who we are by virtue of our relationships. Obesity is just one reflection of that.

That's some of what it means to be "image-bearers" of God. We become who we are by virtue of the relationships that we are in. For better or for worse!

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