What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Monday, March 26, 2007

He's Gone...

Jason Ray passed away this morning.

I had gotten the word last night that they were going to take him off life
support at around 8:00 a.m. At 7:45 this morning I was cutting up bananas
for my kids, wondering how in the world I would handle it if I had to make
that kind of decision for one of them. And I wept, and I wept.

Please continue to be in prayer for the family and for the campus and for
our community. We are praying for Easter to be particularly alive in light
of this event. Either He is alive, and so is Jason, or all is fruitless,
empty, just a random SUV hitting a random person on the side of the road.

Either Hope Wins, or all is lost. And right now, for most of today's
minutes, I've been able to hold onto the reality that Hope Wins.


Anonymous said...

Alex, one of my staff pointed me to the ESPN page (where it mentions Jason being part of IV). Praying with you for the reality of true Hope to be present for all involved.

M. Stewart said...

This isn't the 'news' story from ESPN, but an email to one of its writers. Scroll to the bottom of:


And one last e-mail from an anonymous reader in North Carolina ...

"I wanted to write you without my name or anything, just as a student of UNC. Our loss last night was tough -- some might say heartbreaking. But what's worse is that it may overshadow the death of a true Tar Heel. Jason Ray, our mascot, died this morning. He was the very first person I met at UNC. He was helping freshmen move into the dorms as a part of Intervarsity (a Christian ministry on campus). The elevators were all jammed up, so he helped me cart a refrigerator, futon, and all my other stuff (and girls have a lot of stuff) up NINE floors in the 100-degree heat. And he did it happily. We became friends and I spent a lot of time around him. He let me wear the ram head one time because I thought it'd be funny (even though I'm sure he wasn't supposed to). You've probably gotten a lot of e-mails about yesterday's game, but could you maybe mention Jason in your article, if only for a second. The world deserves to know who this person was. I don't just want him to be a 'UNC mascot dies' blurb on ESPN.com. He was such a good person. A true friend. What every Tar Heel should aspire to be."