What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Head. Heart. Faith.

Some people are "head rules the heart" people. These folks value reason
over emotion, particularly when it comes to decision-making.

Others are "listen to your heart" people. These folks lead with their
feelings and emotions, especially when it comes to life decisions, what to
have for dinner, relationships, SuperBowl picks, etc.

What most everyone would say if they were to be completely honest is that
there have been times in their lives when they should have gone (or did go)
against their natural "bent" in order to make a good decision.

When we come to the realization that life in and with Christ is the way that
we were made to live, Jesus introduces a new faculty into our system and
invites us to live by it: faith.

Contrary to what pop-secularism might say, faith does not negate reason or
emotion. Reason, emotion, and faith are all gifts from the same God. In His
economy these three faculties are not at odds but rather work in complete,
wholistic integration. Faith takes reason and emotion and puts them in
their proper place. Like the planets orbiting the sun rather than the other
way around. To mis-align these is to make a tyrant out of either reason or
emotions. They make wonderful servants but terrible masters.

And so Christ-followers are called to live by faith, not by sight (i.e.
reason) nor by emotions. Faith invites us to orient our lives around
something much bigger than either one of these can provide in and of
themselves. It heals the split between head and heart and calls us into a
much more fruitful and fulfilling life.

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