What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


"The best part of a trip, by car or by train
Is when the trip is over, and you're home again." -Madeline, by Ludwig Bemelman

Just got back after five days away in Madison, Wisconsin, site of InterVarsity's training for all of us new Area Directors, along with training for all our new IV staff.

There's been a number of things rolling around in my head to blog about. But for now the sweet hugs and kisses from my little (but getting bigger every day) boy and my two little (but getting bigger every day) girls on top of the joy of being back with my wife reminds me of how deeply we all long for this thing called "home."

Home. It's a funny thing. Some of us didn't grow up with much of one. For others of us, the word "home" is resonant with rich tones and happy memories. For most of us, it's a mixed bag, some good, some bad.

But it seems no matter what our experience, something about the word "home" feels safe, peaceful, a place where you can be yourself without pretense.

I hope that our home can somehow approach that idealized picture. It's a challenging thing, being on the parental side of shaping home.

But the thoughts all day of coming home tonight to sweet kids and my hero of a wife awakens in me this hard-wired longing for home. Some day, I'll come to my true home.

In the mean time, today's homecoming brings joys and gladness to my hotel-weary heart.

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