What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Time for More Shameless Self-Promotion

It's been at least five days since my last shameless self-promoting buy-the-book-that-I-helped
-write plug (someone's already selling The Small Group Leader's Handbook used? How is this possible?).

So I figured it was time for a fresh one.

A couple of weeks ago I spoke for the second time at a local church...and afterwards I found out that they record and upload sermons as podcasts.

So if you're sick at home one Sunday and need a sermon fix, check it out: Raleigh Chinese Christian Church. If you click on my name, it links you to both sermons that I've given there (I promise they're both in English).

Or perhaps you're one of those "I don't do church people" but for whatever reason you occasionally check in on these posts...I'd encourage you to check take a listen and let me know what you think. I'm always interested in presenting what I believe to be true in a way that is engaging for people who are at all kinds of different places spiritually.

And for all the already-weary UNC students out there, best of luck as you head into exams!

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