What I Write About

I write about the infinite number of intersections between every day life and the good news of the God who has come to get us.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

It's A...

So in classic male fashion, I can't remember if I've posted the fact that despite Kelly and I's own best efforts, we are pregnant with baby #3. We're due in mid-September.

Today we got the ultrasound, and we're all about finding out gender. We've got too many over-achieving grandparents who are eager to know: pink or blue?

Over the weekend we were discussing our possible en utero name for the baby--many people come up with nicknames for the baby on the way, names like "peanut" or "jelly bean" especially if you're keeping the name a secret until the baby's born, which we do. It keeps us from getting too much unsolicited response about a name we like.

So we were discussing the possibility of the en utero name being "Baby Oops." My father-in-law and I were delighted about this possibility. My wife, less so. Something about the baby's future self-esteem issues or something. So we came up with an alternative: what about "Daisy," short for "Oopsie-Daisy." There, no self-esteem problems to be worried about whatsoever...except if it was a boy. Gender identity issues are no laughing matter.

So anyway, the ultrasound pictures revealed today that we needn't worry about gender identity issues. "Daisy" it is. We're having a girl. She's looking healthy and well, and we're very excited about (and a little anxious about) life this fall.

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

Congrats Alex!! Not sure if you heard or not but Tracy and I are expecting our first...we find out Monday the gender ourselves (due in early Sept.)